Friday, November 2, 2007

A Jumbled Mess

I'm so stressed out I could cry. I'm at a job that bores me to death. I'm in a city where the only people I know are the few people that stuck around here after graduating 1 1/2 years ago -- and who ALL passed the bar which means I can't bear to face them. I'm ready to get married and start a family, but my boyfriend's not. He's enjoying his bachelorhood -- in a different city. I couldn't even move if I wanted to. First, it's going to be hard finding another legal job that doesn't require "esq." and that pays this well. Second, the dog I got last Christmas, but didn't want and definitely didn't want to take care of (but now love to death) has destroyed my condo. I now have to install all new carpet and 2 windowsills. Oh yeah, he also ate my couch. Did I mention that the lease on my car expires in May, but I will be over the mileage by next month? The other car I've had since I turned 16 just went in the shop which means my money just went down the drain. A girl who had 1 credit card at graduation now has 4 and loans to pay. I could always ask my parents for money, but I feel like I've gotten myself into this state of unhappiness, and I need to be responsible and get myself out of it. I would give everything I have up just to pass the bar and work as a PD or ADA. I'd be poor, but at least I'd be happy.

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