Wednesday, June 11, 2008

My life has changed...

...but not like everyone would think. Wow! So much has happened in the last month. The most exciting thing, of course, is me passing the bar exam! Yay! I thought that after passing the bar, life would be great. It would be, but 2 and 1/2 weeks before the results, my boyfriend and I broke up. Two days before the results, the sh*t hit the fan. It has been a rough 5 weeks. We still talk everyday but it's hard realizing that we are not together. I know he loves me but I also know he's not the man I need him to be right now. So now I don't know what to do. I haven't started studying for NC, but I'm taking it still. I wanted to stay in NC for the 3 months it would take to take the exam and get the results. I can't find an affordable 3 month lease around here so now I need to either move to Georgia or get a 6 month lease in NC. I'm leaning towards the 6 month lease b/c I love NC, however, there is no guarantee that I will pass the exam. I'm going to try my hardest though. I also have the option of waiving into DC, but I do not want to do Document Review work any more. Back to NC. If I get a 6 month lease, I'll be here until Dec. unless I don't pass NC and/or find a job in Ga. I don't want to live with my parents any more. They are putting their house on the market on Friday and I don't plan on moving with them. I also can't live by their rules any more. I'd also be lying if I didn't say I want to stick around and see if me and my guy can work things out. I think we will so I don't want to move out of state feeling like we're going to be together. It's so complicated, but not really. I'm sure everyone says screw him and go to Georgia TODAY! I'm not ready to say that, but I'm ready to start my career.