Monday, March 10, 2008

Ummm...I'm screwed

So, I've exhausted all of my possibilities on craigslist, careerbuilder, yahoo, higheredjobs, chronicle, and monster. I send my resume to temp agencies and they say they have more qualified candidates. How is a high school or college grad more qualified than me? Fortunately, I got a call from Office Team today. They have two legal secretary positions, one is doing transcription and I have to be able to type 75 wpm. They also have a litigation paralegal job (crossing my fingers). I don't know how much it pays but I'm sure it's less than my document review position. I figure I'd have to take the pay cut in order to get experience and possibly a job as an associate should I ever pass the NC Bar. This job requires 1600 billable hours and an 80 caseload <--- don't know what that really means.

As for the document review job, that's a bunch of crap. First of all, other other doc review jobs make at least $35/hr but in NC the highest I've seen is $23 for licensed attorneys and that's in Charlotte. Raleigh only pays $20 licensed or not.

On another note, I am soooooooo pissed off with my boyfriend. First of all, he hasn't given me his car payment for March 2. Second, I come to his apartment today and there is a letter on his door stating that if he didn't pay his rent by 9 am tomorrow that they would file eviction papers with the courthouse. Last week he owed $877, today he owes $933. His rent is only $710. He said he paid the agency $750, but since he never put the electric bill in his name, he now owes that too, and they want all or nothing. For the first time, I can't help him b/c I only have $15 to my name. I don't feel bad but this adds to the stress. I don't understand how he can be so irresponsible with money. I understand that with his new job and gas prices, he has fuel his truck up everyday for the 2 hour-round trip drive and has had to do that for the past 2 weeks without yet getting recompensed, but I cannot accept that as an excuse. This is just adding to my frustration with him. He accepted this new position, which he should have, but it's not in a place that I would ever want to live, and now he's going to have to move again. After 2 1/2 years together, I am so ready to be married or at least engaged. That's not going to happen because we can't even end up in the same city. I told him that this must be a sign from God. I tried to be comical about it, but I was sooooo serious.

On top of that I have to ask my parents for money for my car payment and HOA fees...that after my mom just gave me money for my late NC Bar Application, mortgage on the house I no longer live in, and car & home insurance last week. I won't even ask her to help with the credit card bills that are out of this world. So, what am I going to do? The only thing I knew to do was to file for unemployment. I filed last week but will not get a check until next week. All of that money will go towards paying back my MARCH 1, student loan bill.

I feel screwed. At least I have plenty of time to go to they gym now.


Anonymous said...

Stay strong - just a few more weeks to results. Stay focused on NC, cause trust me, just sat as a re-taker in Feb. and they still have me hating life.

My heart aches when I read this post because I have been there- about 6 months ago exactly. I was jobless and had $25 dollars in my account after sending in my bar fees and paying rent and bills.

Then miracles happened and I got a great position that I am actually happy at-in fact, I am making $50K (which if you would have told me before law school that this were the case I would never have gone!!!).

Hang in there- it will happen. If you carry that negativity with you into the interviews, they can sense it! I swear one interview- they must have been able to smell my fear!!! I hadn't even been in there for ten mins. before the whole thing was over!

I live downstate in NC and things here are bleaker than they are in Raleigh - so whatever you do - don't move away from the Triangle -if that is where you are. I'm a fool for love-but moving to be with your guy is the worst thing that you could do. It sounds like you already know that though, so I'll quit yapping now. Just know that I am wishing you the very best in all of this!

Anonymous said...

It sounds to me like you need to dump this "boyfriend" you have. I think you are too smart and responsible for him. I do not know you at all and just happened to come across your blog by surfing. However, anyone you finished law school is no dummy. You need to think positive girl!! Seriously, pull yourself up by the bootstraps and think good things about yourself. Just from reading your posts, it sounds as if you are depressed. Seriously!! Maybe you need some medication to get over this hump in the road.