Sunday, March 9, 2008

I want my life back

I want my life back. Since taking the Georgia Bar Exam, it has really sunken in that I am miserable. Two years ago, I seemed destined for success. Now, I am living a miserable existence because I DO want to be lawyer. I was googling classmates last night and saw all of the big firms they have worked their way up to already while I'm sitting here unemployed and turned down for paralegal and legal secretary positions. I don't have a Plan B.

My boyfriend who is a college dropout just got a promotion at work and now makes what I was making as a Document Review "Attorney." He told me the other day I was like his 30 y/o brother. The thing is, his brother is a deadbeat who can't hold down a job. My mom said she is tired of me being in my current situation. My dad doesn't even acknowledge the fact that I'm still taking the bar -- or that I even went to law school. I'm miserable. People I know who went to law school after me are now lawyers. I'll be taking the July exam with the class of 2008.

I've found a study partner, but she's been out of school and the legal field for 3 years so I don't know how that's going to work. I guess it'll just make me go to the library. To see her pass and me not would be devastating. July is my last chance, for now. I don't know what I'll do if I failed Ga. and fail NC in July.

Oh, btw, did I mention I totally bombed the MPRE yesterday? Oh well, it's offered 3x/year @ $60. I'd rather have to re-take that than the bar. Actually, I'm pissed that NC's scores are only valid for 2 years. You know you've been at this too long when your scores have expired.

1 comment:

RaisedFromAshes said...

Oh, my heart bleeds for you! I know exactly how you feel! And even though I finally found (after 8 miserable months) a paralegal job, it is 33 miles from where I live and I am acutely aware that there are NO OTHER OPTIONS.
It sucks that your MPRE scores expire after only 2 years; Colorado gives us 3. So mine expire unless I pass the bar. If I don't I am changing plans. Don't know what kind of job I can get (I can relate to the non-college grad bf thing, too, I'd be making better money had I just relocated from Steamboat to the Boulder/Denver area and worked as an admin assistant in some large company) as before I got this one I tried for LOTS of different jobs and none of em wanted a JD. It's like some sort of disease. But DON'T GIVE UP HOPE! That was all that kept me going some days, and it will work out. Having the bills paid and a job and experience of some sort is better than nothing. And you will pass!