Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Stealing Time

They say that if a group of women are around each other long enough that their monthly visits will start to be synchronized. Does the same thing go for relationships? Out of the 4 of us at work, we are all pissed at our mates. One is going through a divorce, another broke up with her long-term husband, and the newlywed's husband is giving her the silent treatment. As for me...let's just say that at this point in time, my relationship SUCKS (of course through no fault of my own...seriously). The worst part is that after getting in a HUGE argument last night, today my boyfriend wants to act like nothing happened. Usually I'm ok the day after an argument, but not this time. He said some down right hurtful things last night. He put me in a bad mood which caused me to snap at my poor dad and go to work with "tear" bags under my eyes. Then, he had the nerve to tell me what he wanted for Valentine's Day. I felt like telling him to kiss my skinny ass. I deserve the world for Valentine's Day and every other day for that matter. At work today, all I could think about is that I don't have time for this right now -- and maybe any more. He's so emotionally draining, financially needy, and I think, borderline, bi-polar. Anyway, enough space wasted on him.

I'm feeling good about my progress so far. I have gone through every subject except for property, commercial paper, and secured transactions. I could have every subject completed by this weekend, but I won't b/c I have saved the worst 3 subjects for last. For some reason though, I have been wide awake after working my 12 hour days and have found to review a little. Additionally, I take my books to work and steal study time every chance I get. Yesterday our computers were down for 2 hours so I got to study for 2 hours while getting paid. Also, the bosses don't come in until 9 but the office opens at 730 so from 730-9 I study and then from 630-730 I do the same (although I'm less alert and more tired by that time). I also find a few minutes of downtime during the day to crack open the book. I usually just review notes I've taken or go over the state distinctions. These are things that don't require 100% attention.
I should probably go to sleep now so I can get ready for the long day ahead. I need to remind myself to look for hotels and flights for the exam and to sign up to take the MPRE again (since my last one has now expired) before the 31st. Buenas Noches.

1 comment:

RaisedFromAshes said...

I envy your ability to focus on anything after 12 hour days...and the ability to steal time at work! Every time i have tried that, I have been interrupted with some project.

I also envy you that you have gotten through nearly every subject...way to go!

As for the BF, get rid of him! He sounds a little too much like my ex, and the last thing you need in your life right before the bar exam is an emotionally and financially draining P.O.S. YOU DO DESERVE THE WORLD! Don't settle for a guy who doesn't treat you like he would give you the world if he could. It's just not good for you!