Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Hanging On

I'm still hanging on...and still stressed out. I've been living with my parents since December and my welcome is officially worn out. I don't know what I'm going to do but the unanimous consensus is that I cannot stay there for much longer. My mom, who did my taxes and thus knows how much I'm getting back, is demanding that I spend my refund on a place to live. That's a fine idea but what happens when the money runs out? I still am doing contract work which means I never know when I'm going to be working. I want to take time off for the bar as well. My boyfriend offered to let me stay with him for a while so that I can afford to buy a car. My mom is 100% against that idea. It's like I can't win. I turned 27 last week and am still living by other people's rules. From a purely financial POV, living with my BF would be an excellent idea. From a peace of mind POV, it would be great and awful. My mom would talk so much crap about me living with him and I fear that if I needed financial assistance, my parents would tell me to go ask my BF since I want to "play house." Also, I know we'd fight some and I couldn't go running back to my parents' house. However, I know that my mind would be at ease b/c I would get to see him everyday and some of the financial burdens would disappear. Don't know what I'm going to do but when I find out, I'll let you know.

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